I very much prefer "Scoop it."
Although "Diigo" and "Scoop It" are both wonderful ways to organize and archive information, I wish I could get rid of the continuous pop-up adds on Diigo. I like the Diigo sticky notes, highlighting options and the multiple tags, but "Scoop it" features multiple tag options which are most important to me. On both "Diigo" and"Scoop it" I follow others and others can follow me, as well as post comments. Copying and pasting information from the original article to my remarks about a site is possible on both social bookmarking sites. I preferred writing my insights and ideas on "Scoop it" bookmarks rather than describing each particular site I bookmarked as was the situation with "Diigo." There is a heavier emphasis on "Scoop It" to focus on a topic which is another reason I preferred it. I noticed that the more specific my title and tags were, the more information I found. There were numerous suggestions related to my topics on "Scoop it" whereas there were not on the "Diigo" site.
I would from now on, absolutely be more apt to use "Scoop it" and not "Diigo." I preferred the appearance of "Scoop it" because of the images. "Diigo" was simply a list and therefore did not look as interesting. The "Diigo" pop-up ads, especially the ones about making changes to the hard drive of my computer, were annoying and downright nerve-racking. Perhaps I might change my mind when I become more computer savvy.
I'm glad you found one that suits your needs for the moment.